A career in the Indian Defence Intelligence Service (IDIS): duties and requirements

A career in the Indian Defence Intelligence Service (IDIS): duties and requirements

A career in the Indian Defence Intelligence Service (IDIS) is a highly sought after option for those who want to serve their country in a unique and challenging way. The IDIS is responsible for gathering and analyzing intelligence to support the decision-making of the Indian Defence Ministry and Armed Forces.

Duties of IDIS Officers:

  1. Collection and analysis of intelligence related to national security.
  2. Briefing senior military and government officials on intelligence findings.
  3. Developing and implementing intelligence operations to gather information.
  4. Collaborating with other intelligence agencies to gather and exchange information.
  5. Ensuring the security of sensitive intelligence information.

Requirements to join the IDIS:

  1. Indian citizenship with a minimum age of 21 years.
  2. A bachelor’s degree from a recognized university.
  3. Physical and mental fitness as per the standards set by the Indian Armed Forces.
  4. Passing a written exam and an interview conducted by the Indian Defence Ministry.
  5. Successful completion of training at the Defence Intelligence Academy.

In conclusion, a career in the IDIS provides an opportunity to serve the nation by gathering and analyzing intelligence that is critical to the defence and security of the country. Those who are interested in this career must possess a strong sense of patriotism, physical and mental fitness, and an educational background that includes a bachelor’s degree. The selection process is rigorous and requires the successful completion of written exams, interviews, and training at the Defence Intelligence Academy.


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